Thursday, December 14, 2006

I scream for ice cream

Matt's hit the double digits today he turns 10.
Since it's Matt's birthday I asked him what kind of desert he wanted. He asked for vanilla ice cream (specifically a big round tub)with whipped creem topping, chocolate, and candy sprinkles. He loves pizza so we are going to dinner at a local pizza shop. Should be a fun day.
The kid's have really started to love working out. I bought them a kid's workout video. They look forward to it and have been faithfully working out every school day. I'm so glad they are starting good habits while they are young. Here is the video we use. I've looked around for a new one for variety but still haven't found another one this good.

Maverick is so cute. He didn't like the choices of cereal this morning so I offered him a bagel. He turned down my offer and preceded to make himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He is so cute gathering all the stuff and making it. I took some photos and asked him how he does it. I love his independence.

Dan's having fun playing santa this year. I haven't had to really shop at all. He loves to shop for the boys and his family. I usually just have to take care of a few little presents and my family. Dan asked me to pick out my present and I chose a Cricut machine. Joanns had it for $189. I called and had them hold it for him and so he picked it up yesterday. Now it's sitting down under the tree. Man, it's going to be hard to wait. I'm excited about playing with my new scapbook toy.

I picked up my mom and ran into Big Lots. The cookie platter I had my eye on was on sale for $3.50. I grabbed 3 of them. I made Peanutbutter Blossom cookies to take to the cookie exchange. Justing remembered that he had burned his finger once while making them and reminded me I had included it in a scrapbook page. I later found the page and sure enough I had snapped the horrible moment and scrapped it. Stephanie's home was gorgeous. There were 4 full sized Christmas trees decorated to match each room. Smaller trees in the bathrooms and the kids room. One bathroom is a rubber duck theme and had a tree with rubber duck ornaments. So cute. We had a touching share and prayer time and them tasted cookies and filled our take home bags. I gave Whitney one of the cookie platters. I had told her about them and I knew she wanted one. I stopped at CVS on the way home and found some great stocking stuffers. I took to heart being bold and inviting someone to the Christmas Eve service and church. The right moment came and I told the store clerk about the service.

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