Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday Tidbits

How's your week been so far? My husband just bought all brand new tires for his car so I'm feeling much better they were getting pretty bald and wouldn't you know it, we've had some rain again. Money well spent. I can't believe this school year is winding down. We are almost on the home stretch. I spent the day with my mom on Sat. and we went to Target. She agreed to ride in her wheel chair (I struggled with the decision to ask her to use it. I told her if she felt like walking I would let would just push it. She did get up when we were in the purse section. It wasn't but a few moments later she was felling weak again).so we ran around the whole store and enjoyed looking at purses and plants. We actually left without buying anything but still had fun. It's been a tough year for my mom and her fight to live with Parkinsons.
I've been taking the kids to see the dentist. The older boys both had no cavities but yesterday we got the news that Maverick has two. I was bummed. He is my little candy nut. He has the ability to sniff out candy no matter where it hidden. He will even get the candy from the little shacker jars that are meant for cupcakes and ice cream. Ug! He is definately my boy witht that sweet tooth of his. This Thurs. is my last dentist appt. I also have two cavities. We only have about 4 more weeks of Awans too. The boys close to finishing their books. My middle boy has made it his goal to have perfect attendance and so far he made it without missing one night. I just love the fact that the boys love going and they look forward to it. My dh is putting together the video for awards night. This will be his third year. It's a labor of love. He interviewed the five youth that will be receiving their citation awards last night. They each will have a special video presentation to go along with their speech. My oldest boy has been in Awana Club since he was 4 years old and in Cubbies, He is 13 now and is 5 short years away from earning this honor. Next year will be his last year in Jr. High and then he'll move on to High School. Wow. We are started to think about VBS at church. I'll be teaching 1st and 2nd grade again. Last year I had the biggest class. Enough rambling.